Here are the 6 videos for each category selected for the final phase of the contest On the Rocks.
Selected videos for the category 3 years in 3 minutes
Biography of a Mountain
By Stacy Phillips
Revealing the Hidden Secrets of Salt
By Jack Richardson
The Tongariro Project
By Mirja Heinrich
Subduction Earthquakes & Seafloor Roughness
By Elenora van Rijsingen
Travertino: un recorder dell'attività tettonica
By Paola Francesca Matera
Life on Mars?
By Erica Luzzi
Selected videos for the category Young Geologists
Mistero di rielaborazione antropocenica nel giardino di Caterina
By Cosimo Verga, Francesca Navarro
By Fabio Morelli
Viaggio di una roccia
By Giorgio Dal Santo, Raul Dal Santo
Digeriamo anche... le pietre!
By Giuseppe Paschetto
Il testimone ignoto
By Umberto Storti, Luigi Mobiglia
Dal Cielo agli Inferi
By Leonardo Corsaro, Vittorio Del Tenno, Antonio Gianera, Pietro Pardini, Tommaso Tramontana, Guglielmo Guarnerio, Lodovico Sella, Enricomattia Milani, Alessandro Ratti
Selected videos for the category Rolling Stones
A Magnetic Journey
By María Perlado
Aural Structures: the music of crystals
By Giacomo Eramo, Alessandro Monno, Mario De Tullio, Emanuela Delluniversità, Ernesto Mesto